Financial Calculators
Auto Loan Calculator
Find out what you can afford.
This calculator will help you determine how much will pay when financing your auto loan.
Rebate vs. Rate Calculator
Find out which deal is right for you
This calculator will help you decide which is a better deal for you, the low rate or taking the rebate and financing with Pittsford FCU.
Auto Refinance Calculator
Find out how much you can save.
This calculator will help you determine how much you can save on your auto loan by refinancing.
Mortgage Payment Calculator
Find out what you can afford.
You may use this calculator to estimate the amount of your Mortgage payment. This calculator can also create an amortization table based on the input you have given.
Mortgage Rent vs Buy Calculator
Find out which option works best for you.
You may use this calculator to determine if it would be beneficial to rent a home or apartment, vs purchasing a home.
Mortgage Closing Costs – Under Construction
Find out what you can afford.
You may use this calculator to estimate the amount of your Mortgage closing costs.
Mortgage Refinance Calculator
Find out what you can afford.
This calculator will help you determine how much you can save by refinancing your mortgage.
Certificate Calculator
Find your certificate earnings.
Use this calculator to determine what your certificate dividends will be.
Checkbook Balancing Calculator
Keep your checkbook in balance.
This calculator can be used to help balance your checkbook at the end of each month.
Loan Calculator
Find out what you can afford.
This calculator will return the missing Amount, Rate, Number of Payments, Payments per Year, or Payment Amount.
Loan Comparison Calculator
Compare Loan Terms.
Compare different terms to decide which loan may work best for your budget.
Savings Calculator
Find out how to meet your goals.
Determine how much you’ll need to save each month to reach your goals.
Snowball Debt Elimination Calculator
Find out how to payoff your debt faster.
Determine how long it will take to reach your debt goals.
Retirement Planning Calculator
Plan for your future.
Determine the best way to save for your future retirement.
401k/403b Retirement Calculator
Plan for your future.
Determine the best way to save for your future retirement.
Retirement Savings Timeline Calculator
Plan for your future.
What do you need to save in order to live the retirement life you’ve always dreamed of.