How to Avoid Banking Fees
At Pittsford Federal Credit Union, avoiding banking fees is easy. Below are common fees and ways to avoid them.
Members’ best interests are our first priority – even when it comes to fees. In general, credit unions have far fewer fees than most financial institutions due to their cooperative, not-for-profit nature. Although the returns from our limited fees help us to offset some of our operational costs, we want our Members to be able to avoid fees whenever possible:
NSF Fees – The most common fee occurs when you have Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) in your account to cover checks or automatic payment transfers. Always keep a cushion in your account to cover any accidental bookkeeping errors, and immediately deduct all ATM withdrawals and debit card purchases.
Surcharge-Free ATMs – You’ll save time and money knowing the location of Pittsford FCU’s surcharge-free ATMs near where you live, work, and play. Check out our list of more than 60 surcharge-free ATMs in the Rochester Area.
Smart Tip – Consider reviewing account balances online and establishing Overdraft Protection. We will transfer the amount needed to cover a check, debit, or automatic payment transfer.