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Tax Forms are now available by selecting 'eStatements' from the main menu in Internet Banking or the 'More' menu in our Mobile App.


Our secure eStatements provide access to your monthly statements online. eStatement participants will receive e-mail notification of statement availability – which will typically occur 3 or 4 days before paper statement availability.

With Pittsford FCU’s eStatements you can:

  • Receive your statements sooner – eStatements will typically be available 3 or 4 days before paper statement availability.
  • Tax Forms – Visit eStatements to access your IRS 1098, 1099, and 5498 Tax forms.
  • Choose to discontinue your paper statement. It will save you the chore of filing a private, sensitive document – something you don’t want to simply toss in the trash. (Of course, in the event that you need paper statements, the credit union will provide hard-copy printed statements on request.)
  • Print the online version of your statement, using Adobe Reader.
  • View several months of history in the same place
  • Enjoy improved access to your account information. All of your account statements will be accumulated in one location and easily accessible. You will no longer need to sort through piles of paper statements.
  • Save your credit union a considerable amount of money – including the cost of postage, paper, envelopes, and printing.

To access your secure eStatements, simply log into online banking and select eStatements from the main menu.

Effective January 1st, 2023, our former eStatement solution has sunset and, as a result, statements and tax forms prior to July of 2021 are no longer available online. If you need statements or tax forms that are no longer available online, you may always contact the credit union to obtain copies.